Clusterplak? How Bazaar!

Clusterplak? How Bazaar!

Clusterplak? How Bazaar! Social Photography: Dino Codevilla Sponsors: A warm thanks to Jack Black Beer for sponsoring ice cold beer for the opening! Thank you to everyone who came to see the...
Salon Selections – Summer 2022

Salon Selections – Summer 2022

Summer 2022 Catalogue Purchase artwork Ryan Shava, Samo is Back, 2014, mixed media on canvas Ryan Shava, We’re Together, 2014, mixed media on canvas Ryan Shava, Fire in the City, 2016, mixed media on canvas Mukudzei Muzondo, Tornda Mberi I – Resilience, Mixed...
Warren Edition Prints

Warren Edition Prints

Warren Editions  – A Salon Selection of editioned and unique prints from South African artists and printmakers.  Established in October 2007, Warren Editions is a project steered by Master Printmaker and owner Zhané Warren, who produces original prints in etching,...
Anton Karstel

Anton Karstel

Anton Karstel Anton Karstel is an established South African artist, working across mediums over the span of his career. His abstract paintings dominate his oeuvre, spanning human subject matter in familiar settings, everyday objects and scenes, and political...