Elmarie Van Straten
Elmarie Van StratenElmarie Van Straten works in...
Mpumelelo Buthelezi
Mpumelelo ButheleziNance field Hostel in Soweto...
Emme Pretorius
Emme PretoriusEmme's body of work explores the...
Sibusiso Ngwazi
Sibusiso Ngwaziabout artist blurb Lorem ipsum...
Barry Salzman
Barry SalzmanBarry Salzman is a lens-based...
Nicole Clare Fraser
Nicole Clare FraserFraser has been working with...
Anton Karstel
Anton KarstelAnton Karstel is an established...
Jozelle McLea
Jozelle McLeaJozelle McLea's solo exhibition...
KoooooosKoos Groenewald is an artist that works...
Good Good BoyGood Good Boy is an artist who...
Fanie Buys
Fanie BuysFanie Buys works predominantly in...
Carin Dorrington
Carin DorringtonCeramic artist Carin Dorrington...
Brett Rubin
Brett RubinPhotographer Brett Rubin's body of...
JP Meyer
JP MeyerJP Meyer is a visual artist with a...
Katja Abbott
Katja AbbottKatja Abbott is an artist working in...
Emily Rae Smith Labuschagne
Emily Rae Smith LabuschagneEmily Rae Smith...
Manuela Holzer
Manuela Holzer
Jayshal Gajjar
Jayshal GajjarJayshal Gajjar is a young South...
Connor Cullinan
Connor CullinanConnors work is about visual...
Theo Ntuntwana
Theo Ntuntwana
Dalia Raviv
Dalia RavivArtist Dalia Raviv's art is...
DAOR Contemporary Art Gallery presents this artist page as an archive of works exhibited since our inception in 2019 and does not necessarily reflect artists represented by DAOR, or works available at the gallery. Please feel free to contact us or view our Artsy for currently available work from DAOR Contemporary.